Our Hope

As we walk through this unknown and confusing time of life may the Lord encourage and strengthen us as His church.

As this time deepens and the world seems to waver in the face of a new challenge, there are many people losing hope. Losing sleep. Losing things. It’s okay to question during the trials of life. It’s okay to not understand why these things happen. In fact, we aren’t meant to understand, we are meant to trust. Trust in God. We have Hope. Hope in Jesus Christ. We are to proclaim and rejoice in Jesus as our Hope. He will never fail! He has a plan. May we rejoice, not that we are in a storm, but rejoice that our God is greater than the storm. May this time draw us closer to the Lord and strengthen our relationships with others. Let us be steadfast in prayer and lift our eyes to the One who is completely faithful and just. Every promise He has made will prevail.

This is our HOPE.

Philippians 3-4 multiple times says to rejoice! As we press on toward the goal which God is calling us to we are to rejoice.

vs 12-14: “12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

We are called heavenward, and so our eyes must stay fixed upward to where we are called and there our Hope lies.

Will you join me this week in prayer, and studying Scripture to restore our hope in Christ?

❤ Mandie

Emotions and new changes

Written on August 16th.

Wow. How the emotions came flooding in today. Leaving my home of 15 years. But I’m filled with an eternal peace that can only come from the Lord. I have been constantly reminded of how incredibly faithful our loving God is. Instead of being sad about moving I am choosing to be thankful for the blessing of being in one home for so long. Not everyone gets to experience such a blessing. I’ve grown, stumbled, and served in this place and I will always remember these moments. God is SOOO good and through change He will go before me and stay with me forever.

To all my friends (now family) from this place. You know who you are. ❤ Thank you, thank you, thank you! Each one of you has encouraged me, supported me, and loved me for so many years. You are a true blessing! As we move on to new places and adventures, all across the globe, I know God has a plan and He is moving us apart so we can grow to new limits and reach even more people where He leads us.

Though tears may come, I am thankful today for such a blessing as this.

Thank You Jesus!

❤ Mandie


Music Monday!

Hello everyone! I have been loving Meredith Andrews songs lately and decided to share one of my favorites! You are seen. Jesus knows what you are going through in every moment, even when you feel like no one sees you. Jesus sees! No matter what you are going through He is with you and understands the pain you feel. Don’t give up, give it to God and trust Him, because He sees you!

(I own nothing! All rights go to Meredith Andrews and producers!)\

Morning Blessings!

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life.
Rescue me from my enemies, Lord,
for I hide myself in you.

Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
lead me on level ground.

Psalm 143:8-10

Music Monday!

Hello all my lovely friends! Today I have for y’all a hymn with a twist. I love this version of Be Thou My Vision by Ascend the Hill. Thank you to my friend J. for introducing this version to me! ❤ This song is a great song to cry out to God. God be my everything, be my delight. Be Jesus my glory, my soul satisfied. I LOVE this! When we make God our everything He will completely satisfy us completely.

Be our vision today Lord!

Enjoy listening to this song!

(I own nothing! All rights go to Ascend the Hill and producers!)

Prayer from the Psalms

Today I would like to share a Psalm that really spoke to me. This Psalm is my prayer. I encourage y’all to stop for a minute and pray this Psalm with me. All praise and glory to God!

Psalm 30 (With added emphasis)

I will exalt you, Lord,
for you lifted me out of the depths
and did not let my enemies gloat over me.
Lord my God, I called to you for help,
and you healed me.
You, Lord, brought me up from the realm of the dead;
you spared me from going down to the pit.
Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people;
praise his holy name.
For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.
When I felt secure, I said,
“I will NEVER be shaken.”
Lord, when you favored me,
you made my royal mountain stand firm;
but when you hid your face,
I was dismayed.
To you, Lord, I called;
to the Lord I cried for mercy:
“What is gained if I am silenced,
if I go down to the pit?
Will the dust praise you?
Will it proclaim your faithfulness?
Hear, Lord, and be merciful to me;
Lord, be my help.”
You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise you forever.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentines Day Quotes For Friends Happy Valentine Day Quotes For Friends With Images Hug2love

Happy valentines day everybody! Today can be a sentimental, happy, or sad day for people. Some people call it the lovers day, others call it single awareness day. In whatever boat you are in I want to share my thoughts about valentines day.

I love pretty much any holiday, but for a long time valentine’s day stumped me. I thought it was just for those who have lovers (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife). I’m single by the way! WOOP WOOP! And proud of it! But after a while I started viewing this day differently. I started realizing that love doesn’t have to come from a boyfriend, husband, etc. This valentines day if you are not in a “special” relationship there are still ways for you to celebrate!

I started realizing that valentines day to me means friendship. I still love giving my friends valentines and cute little gifts. My friends mean so much to me, and I don’t know where I’d be without them! I take valentines day as a day to remember and share my love to my friends. Friendships are a so amazingly beautiful gift! I choose to make valentines day into a type of friendship appreciation day! Tell a friend you love them. Even more, show them.

People joke and sometime are serious about being alone on valentines day, and how it reminds them about their aloneness. But here’s the thing. You are never alone! First of all, look around you! You have people that care for you and love you! Family, friends, co-workers maybe. Show your love to them instead of wishing you had a “special someone”. And most importantly God is with you! You don’t have to feel alone. And you won’t feel alone if you find all of your satisfaction in knowing and loving Christ! God loves you SO MUCH! He sent His one and only Son to die for your sins before you were even made! How amazing is His love! Wherever you may be this valentines day; remember that you are SO LOVED!

All Glory to the Ultimate Lover to All!

Music Monday!

Good morning my fellow music listeners! Today I am bringing another powerful song from Mandisa! Back to life is my song for whenever I am feeling down and just need to sing my feelings out! There is hope arising from the ashes! No matter where you are right now in life you can come back to life!

“He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3

Ezekiel 37:1-14 (The account of the valley of dry bones)

(I own nothing! All rights go to Mandisa and producers!)

I breathe out confusion
I breathe in Your truth
I breathe out all my fear
I breathe in Your peace
I, I’m coming back to life
I’m feeling hope arise
Because of You, only You
I, I’m leaving the rest behind
My heart is satisfied
Because of You, only You
I lay down my weakness
I take on Your strength
I lay down my defenses
I step into Your victory!
I, I’m coming back to life
I’m feeling hope arise
Because of You, only You
I, I’m leaving the rest behind
My heart is satisfied
Because of You, only You
Only You, Jesus!
Shame and depression, and all anxieties
They have no power over me
Addiction and strongholds, and every disease
They have no power over me
Shame and depression, and all anxieties
They have no power over me
Addiction and strongholds, and every disease
They have no power over me
Oh, I, I’m coming back to life
I’m feeling hope arise
Because of You, only You
I, I’m leaving the rest behind
My heart is satisfied
Because of You, only You
I, I’m coming back to life
I’m feeling hope arise
Because of You, only You
Oh, I, I’m leaving the rest behind
My heart is satisfied
Because of You, only You
Because of You, only You
I’m coming back to life
Oh, thank You Jesus
Oh, thank You Jesus
I’m coming back to life
I’m coming back to life
Thank You Lord
I’m coming back, I’m coming back to life

The social media debate

Social media is a huge topic among every person I know. Is it good or bad? What are the benefits or withdraws? I’m here today to speak on this topic. Now I’m am not bashing social media in anyway, because if you think about it right now you and I are using social media (aka wordpress.com). I am just here to share my thoughts. Feel free to leave comments or questions down in the comments!

Now let me start by sharing where I stand with social media at the moment. Currently this blog is my only source of social media that I am fully connected into. I do have a strong opinion on social media, but I will never judge anyone based on them having social media or not having it. Social media surrounds most peoples lives in this generation. All the time I watch as friends sit together but are on social media the whole time. What is this doing to our relationships with family and friends? Now I’m just as guilty as the next person for using my phone in times where I could have been growing a relationship. But what is so important about social media that we rate it above our face to face relationships? Let’s discuss this.

Again I am just stating my thoughts here I am not trying to sway anyone one way or another. First let’s discuss the benefits. If you (like myself) are away from your home town and many good friends are not around; social media is an amazing way to be able to keep in contact with those people. Also many people use social media to share with the world their talents, gifts, and personalities. It is also a great place to share your faith, to encourage, and stand by fellow believers. Because social media has totally consumed our generation this may be the only place a person could experience Jesus, so what you post REALLY matters. I pray that my blog may be a place of light, joy, positivity, and peace to all who may fall upon it. And lastly social media can be an outlet or a safe place in some ways. For me it is a place I can come and freely share my thoughts, prayers, and inspiration with y’all. As you can see there are many great things about social media, so I am not totally against it.

Now let’s look at some of the downfalls of social media. Starting with the most common: cyber bullying. Many people have been faced with the pain of being bullied online from people they may not even know. And that can cause self image insecurities, depression, or even lead to suicidal thoughts. This NEEDS to be stopped. Another downfall it holds is the distraction. This leads back to the relationships topic. Phones are constantly “dinging” with updates and messages from social media. It is a constant distraction from living in the moment we have been presented with. It saddens me a whole lot to see how more and more families tend to be on there phones in one way or another instead of spending quality time with each other face to face. People also ask me many times how I keep up with relationships with people I don’t see everyday if I don’t have social media. Well, I say this. If a relationship between me and someone else is meant to be, God will provide a way for communication. He has lead me back to friends in many other ways than social media.

Let’s take a minute to reflect on one downfall that I have dealt with before. People hide behind their social medias. I’m guilty of it! (read about that here!) How many times do you see a post where a person shares a difficulty they are going through? Now I’m not saying that nobody does it. I have seen some posts about hard times people are facing. But most of the time the happy-go-lucky posts out weigh the raw, honest posts. Doing this can cause so many insecurities in real life that you don’t know how to really speak your mind and heart out.

I believe that social media can be a good thing, it just depends on how you use it. If you are using it because it is popular or because somebody else has it, that’s not a valid reason. It is a choice. Whether you will use social media for good or for bad. Also is it effecting you in a POSITIVE way? You may be using social media in a wholesome way, but other things you experience or see on it may be changing you in a negative way. Again think about what you are putting social media above. If you find yourself spending more time on social media than working on school or developing relationships maybe it is time to refocus and assess yourself. Do you need social media?

Another common question is: Is social media a sin? Some of my friends discussed this topic and I really love what my friend H. said. (This is not a direct quote) Social media in itself is not a sin, but it can become a sin depending on how you use it. If you are putting social media above your relationship with God, that can be a sin. In the Bible we are told that putting anything above Christ is a sin.

 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”                              -Exodus 20:4-6

I am not telling you to get rid of all your social media. All I am saying is to be careful about how you use it and how you let it use you. For me at this stage in my life a blog is the perfect social media for me. It’s not overwhelming but it is a place to share my heart and communicate with others. I choose not to have other social media because for me in my personal life it would be a distraction. Will I ever get another form of social media? Who knows. I challenge y’all today to evaluate yourself and your use of social media. Do you have the right balance of face to face conversations vs. social media time? How are you using social media?

What are your thoughts on social media? Feel free to share in the comments!

Glory to God ❤

Finding beauty in a broken world


This post has been on my heart for a while now, but I couldn’t ever get the right words out. Have you ever been so discouraged and disgusted by the world we live in that you felt like quitting? I know I have felt this feeling before, especially in the past year. It seems that everyday the world keeps getting worse and worse. It’s hard to see the good in the world. Or is there any? How can there be anything beautiful in such a broken place as this? Is there any hope left for us to see in the world? I want to suggest today that finding beauty in a broken world is a choice.

Whenever I catch a glimpse of the news I’ve begun seeing a pattern with what they show. They show and discuss the top stories. These stories tend to be shootings, deaths, fights, tragedies, controversy, etc. All of these are negative things. Does that mean that there is no good in the world? Absolutely NOT! There are many good things happening in the world. Then why do they mainly show the negative events? Because it’s a choice. They choose the stories they want to discuss, the stories that will interest people. It’s heartbreaking! They focus so much on the negative aspect that the actual good things that happen everyday get pushed aside.

Whenever I go to the gym the TV’s are always on the news channel. As they continue to talk about and show images of the horrific events that are happening, I start praying. I pray for the people involved in these events, and people who are or will be effected by these events. I also pray for the Body of Christ that we may be lights in this dark world. We need to be examples to the world by showing them the beauty of this world. It’s the tiniest things that most people past by that I have begun to find beauty in. From having the blessing of being a morning person I have been able to see the Lord’s glorious sun rise each morning. Another thing that many people just ignore or pass by is nature. Birds, the trees, new blooming flowers, the sky, I could go on and on!

There is so much beauty in the world, but we have to make the effort to see and appreciate it! Take time out of your day to just pause and thank God for the beauty of His creation, whatever that may look like to you. God has created this world for us to enjoy; although it may not be the best place at the moment, He is constantly revealing the beauty of His works to us. We need to be the ones to acknowledge those wondrous works. I’m sure y’all have heard this before: “Be the good you want to see in the world.” Instead of looking around and complaining about how bad or ugly the world is becoming, show others by example how to find the beauty in this broken world.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; BUT be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33 (emphasis added)

Glory to God in the highest, Creator of all the earth. ❤